Activate chain of command structure, including responsibilities regarding
a) communication, media;
b) who is in charge and what is he/she is in charge of;
c) logistics, basic needs, shelter, means of communication (cell phone, etc.);
d) resources (food, medical supply, communication resources, etc.);
e) home security/internal affairs, etc.
Activate chain of command structure, including responsibilities regarding
a) communication, media;
b) who is in charge and what is he/she is in charge of;
c) logistics, basic needs, shelter, means of communication (cell phone, etc.);
d) resources (food, medical supply, communication resources, etc.);
e) home security/internal affairs, etc.
Activate chain of command structure, including responsibilities regarding
a) communication, media;
b) who is in charge and what is he/she is in charge of;
c) logistics, basic needs, shelter, means of communication (cell phone, etc.);
d) resources (food, medical supply, communication resources, etc.);
e) home security/internal affairs, etc.
Activate chain of command structure, including responsibilities regarding
a) communication, media;
b) who is in charge and what is he/she is in charge of;
c) logistics, basic needs, shelter, means of communication (cell phone, etc.);
d) resources (food, medical supply, communication resources, etc.);
e) home security/internal affairs, etc.
Activate chain of command structure, including responsibilities regarding
a) communication, media;
b) who is in charge and what is he/she is in charge of;
c) logistics, basic needs, shelter, means of communication (cell phone, etc.);
d) resources (food, medical supply, communication resources, etc.);
e) home security/internal affairs, etc.
Activate chain of command structure, including responsibilities regarding
a) communication, media;
b) who is in charge and what is he/she is in charge of;
c) logistics, basic needs, shelter, means of communication (cell phone, etc.);
d) resources (food, medical supply, communication resources, etc.);
e) home security/internal affairs, etc.
Activate chain of command structure, including responsibilities regarding
a) communication, media;
b) who is in charge and what is he/she is in charge of;
c) logistics, basic needs, shelter, means of communication (cell phone, ect.);
d) resources (food, medical supply, communication resources, ect.);
e) home security/internal affairs, ect.
Activate chain of command structure, including responsibilities regarding
a) communication, media;
b) who is in charge and what is he/she is in charge of;
c) logistics, basic needs, shelter, means of communication (cell phone, etc.);
d) resources (food, medical supply, communication resources, etc.);
e) home security/internal affairs, etc.
Activate chain of command structure, including responsibilities regarding
a) communication, media;
b) who is in charge and what is he/she is in charge of;
c) logistics, basic needs, shelter, means of communication (cell phone, etc.);
d) resources (food, medical supply, communication resources, etc.);
e) home security/internal affairs, etc.
Activate chain of command structure, including responsibilities regarding
a) communication, media;
b) who is in charge and what is he/she is in charge of;
c) logistics, basic needs, shelter, means of communication (cell phone, etc.);
d) resources (food, medical supply, communication resources, etc.);
e) home security/internal affairs, etc.