
Sleep disruption – measured with wearable / apps – during first week


Prolonged exposure intervention (Rothbaum et al, 2012). There is no consensus whether or not CBT alter the trajectory in a favourable way. We do not recommend to do this, because it could be just the waste of resourses.


Brief EMDR intervention, R-TEP (Gil-Jardiné et al, 2018). There is no consensus whether or not EMDR alter the trajectory in a favourable way. We do not recommend to do this, because it could be just the waste of resourses.


Harnessing IT to monitor a proxy of the behavior through digital tools that construct a digital phenotype to aid in deviations from pretraumatic behavior


Harnessing IT to monitor a proxy of the behavior through digital tools that construct a digital phenotype to aid in deviations from pretraumatic behavior