Sleep deprivation – some benefit (Porcheret, 2015). Not benefitial in reduction of traumatic intrusions (Sopp, 2020). Data is contradictory (Porcheret, 2019). week: sleeping “too little” or “too much” was associated with more intrusive memories (Porcheret, 2020).
Hippocampal activity (van Rooij et al., 2017).
Brief EMDR intervention, R-TEP (Gil-Jardiné et al, 2018). There is no consensus whether or not EMDR alter the trajectory in a favourable way. We do not recommend to do this, because it could be just the waste of resourses.
Sleep deprivation – some benefit (Porcheret, 2015). Not benefitial in reduction of traumatic intrusions (Sopp, 2020). Data is contradictory (Porcheret, 2019). week: sleeping “too little” or “too much” was associated with more intrusive memories (Porcheret, 2020).
Clinical findings showed that a single session of approx. 25 minute behavioural intervention (reminder cue + mental rotation instructions + Tetris game play) reduce intrusive memories of trauma over one week (Yiadurai, 2018, Horsch, 2017). Idealy it should be applied before the first night of sleep after the exposure. Longer term studies needed.
Prolonged exposure intervention (Rothbaum et al, 2012). There is no consensus whether or not CBT alter the trajectory in a favourable way. We do not recommend to do this, because it could be just the waste of resourses.
Some evidence of subjective sleep disruption predictive of future PTSD
Pre-deployment risk factors Blood-based biomarkers including metabolites, epigenomic, immune, inflammatory, and liver function markers complemented the most important predictors (Schultebrauks, 2020).
Pre-MVC nightmares and sleep stress reactivity predicted 8-week PTSD (mediated through 2-week ASD) (Neylan 2020).
Female>Male risk (Kessler 2020).