Laboratory findings – Single approx 25-min behavioural intervention (reminder + filler + mental rotation instructions for Tetris game play) 24 hours after trauma: tested after experimental trauma but not real-world trauma. Main outcome is reduction of intrusive memories over 1 week. Neither game play alone not trauma reminder cue alone was sufficinet: full intervention package is needed.
Laboratory findings – Single approx 25-min behavioural intervention (reminder + filler + mental rotation instructions for Tetris game play) 24 hours after trauma: tested after experimental trauma but not real-world trauma. Main outcome is reduction of intrusive memories over 1 week. Neither game play alone not trauma reminder cue alone was sufficinet: full intervention package is needed.
Sleep hygiene
Sleep hygiene. Try to promote sleep for kids
Sleep hygiene
Locate source of Support (communication with significant others) (Ozer et al, 2003).
Strategies to assure physical safety including health, according to the needs (Medical care and nutrition), reduce additional stressors
Reunification with family. Locate source of Support (communication with significant others) (Ozer, 2003).
Locate source of Support (communication with significant others) (Ozer et al, 2003).
Offer advice to caretakers on helping children