Hippocampal genetic predictors (Morey et al., 2020).
Genetics of Resilience (Stein, 2019)
Harnessing IT to monitor a proxy of the behavior through digital tools that construct a digital phenotype to aid in deviations from pretraumatic behavior
Emotion Dysregulation prior to trauma (Pencea 2019).
Among the highest-ranked predeployment predictive features were pre-deployment sleep quality, anxiety, depression, sustained attention, and cognitive flexibility (Schultebrauks 2020).
Harnessing IT to monitor a proxy of the behavior through digital tools that construct a digital phenotype to aid in deviations from pretraumatic behavior and early interventions
Genetic Risk for PTSD – multiple new GWAS, (Misganaw PRS 2019, Neivergelt 2019, Gelernter 2019).
CBT for Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) or clinically significant levels of posttraumatic stress symptoms (Giumarra et al, 2018), early exposure-based cognitive intervention (Shalev et al, 2012), prolonged exposure for ASD (Bryant, 2008). There is no consensus whether or not CBT alter the trajectory in a favourable way. We do not recommend to do this, because it could be just the waste of resourses.
Laboratory findings – Single approx 25-min behavioural intervention (reminder + filler + mental rotation instructions for Tetris game play) 24 hours after trauma: tested after experimental trauma but not real-world trauma. Main outcome is reduction of intrusive memories over 1 week. Neither game play alone not trauma reminder cue alone was sufficinet: full intervention package is needed.
Prior Childhood Trauma and Substance Abuse