Nausea in posttraumatic period associated with PTSD (Michopoulos 2019).
High levels of skin conductnce. Galvanic Skin Response (eSense) (Hinrichs et al., 2017).
Sleep deprivation – some benefit (Porcheret, 2015). Not benefitial in reduction of traumatic intrusions (Sopp, 2020). Data is contradictory (Porcheret, 2019). week: sleeping “too little” or “too much” was associated with more intrusive memories (Porcheret, 2020).
Social Support
Computerized Visuospatial Tasks (Iyadurai et al, 2018; Horsh et al, 2017).
Hydrocortisone intervention (100-140 mg, intravenous, single bolus); it is much more effective if given at night (Zohar et al, 2011). (Weis et al, 2006, Delahanty et al, 2013).
Propranolol (Pitman et al., 2006). In five studies the initial positive study was not supported, the meta-analysis does not support its use (Argolo et al, 2015).
Harnessing IT to monitor a proxy of the behavior through digital tools that construct a digital phenotype to aid in deviations from pretraumatic behavior and early interventions
Clinical findings showed that a single session of approx. 25 minute behavioural intervention (reminder cue + mental rotation instructions + Tetris game play) reduce intrusive memories of trauma over one week (Yiadurai, 2018, Horsch, 2017). Idealy it should be applied before the first night of sleep after the exposure. Longer term studies needed.
Inflammatory state – Low INF, low TNF – (Michopolous 2019).