Promote adaptive coping strategies
It could be extrapolated from the adults, but there is small or no data available, don’t use for kids any unless only for the most severe symptoms (or pre-existing conditions)
One Session of Psychological Debriefing is not recommended (including ’emotional’ debriefing groups)
Benzo should be restricted ot administration only in seleсted symptoms as needed, like irritability, nervousness, fear, anxiety, lack of sleep. Not recommended to take for extended period of 4 or more days (even in situations of ongoing terror), without a break of a similar number of days.
Benzodiazepines should be restricted at administration only in selected symptoms as needed, like irritability, nervousness, fear, anxiety, lack of sleep. Not recommended to take for extended period of 4 or more days (even in situations of ongoing terror), without a break of a similar number of days.
Sleeping pills restricted use in selected cases and in PRN basis
Sleeping pills restricted use in selected cases and in PRN basis
Sleeping pills restricted use in selected cases and in PRN basis