
Prolonged exposure intervention (Rothbaum et al, 2012). There is no consensus whether or not CBT alter the trajectory in a favourable way. We do not recommend to do this, because it could be just the waste of resourses.


Laboratory findings – Single approx 25-min behavioural intervention (reminder + filler + mental rotation instructions for Tetris game play) 24 hours after trauma: tested after experimental trauma but not real-world trauma. Main outcome is reduction of intrusive memories over 1 week. Neither game play alone not trauma reminder cue alone was sufficinet: full intervention package is needed.


EMDR (Jarero et al, 2015). There is no consensus whether or not EMDR alter the trajectory. We do not recommend to do this, because it could be just the waste of resourses.


Harnessing IT to monitor a proxy of the behavior through digital tools that construct a digital phenotype to aid in deviations from pretraumatic behavior and early interventions


CBT for Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) or clinically significant levels of posttraumatic stress symptoms (Giumarra et al, 2018), early exposure-based cognitive intervention (Shalev et al, 2012), prolonged exposure for ASD (Bryant, 2008). There is no consensus whether or not CBT alter the trajectory in a favourable way. We do not recommend to do this, because it could be just the waste of resourses.


Harnessing IT to monitor a proxy of the behavior through digital tools that construct a digital phenotype to aid in deviations from pretraumatic behavior


Among the highest-ranked predeployment predictive features were pre-deployment sleep quality, anxiety, depression, sustained attention, and cognitive flexibility (Schultebrauks 2020).