
The message of the Media (e.g. TV, Radio, Written Pres etc.) is likely to be part of the terror strategy, therefore should be treated accordingly. But also part of the response, therefore careful preparation is needed. Single reliable source of information (i.e. unified spokesperson, coordinator or projector) should be nominated in advance.


Social Media could be part of the attack, therefore during the Golden Hours more restriction on the social media content should be planned in advance and applied


For those adults who are at high rist for a exposure to teror “Captivity training” (Approaches for the preparation to terror) is reccomended.


To try to keep the person at the same unit, provide access to information/orientation, it is recommend to go back to usual routine or continue routine activity (Psychological First Aid, WHO, 2011, 2013).


The message of the Media (e.g. TV, Radio, Written Pres etc.) is likely to be part of the terror strategy, therefore should be treated accordingly. But also part of the response, therefore careful preparation is needed. Single reliable source of information (i.e. unified spokesperson, coordinator or projector) should be nominated in advance.


For selected group (first responder, military, uniformed personnel, nurses, ect.) possibility of using of cognitive training was proposed (Badura-Brack et al, 2015).


Several schools provide specifc programs: School Terrorism Preparedness (links)


The message of the Media (e.g. TV, Radio, Written Pres etc.) is likely to be part of the terror strategy, therefore should be treated accordingly. But also part of the response, therefore careful preparation is needed. Single reliable source of information (i.e. unified spokesperson, coordinator or projector) should be nominated in advance.