Continue official spokesperson activity, that will give update on regular basis in clssical channels as well as social media.
Strategies to assure physical safety including health, according to the needs (Medical care and nutrition), reduce additional stressors
Sleep hygiene. Try to promote sleep for kids
Goals are:
(A) to reduce anxiety associated with disaster;
(B) related uncertainty by providing information;
(C) adhere to fact-based reporting;
(D) provide warnings before showing graphic material or decrease graphic content exposure (i.e. images of dead bodies, both close-up and distant);
(E) provide information about accessible health care resources for people who feel they may need help during and following disaster events;
(F) to educate those who may be at risk and facilitate help-seeking;
(G) indicate the date of the material being shown to differentiate between current events versus past events (i.e. time stamps in the broadcasted information) (Mash, Fullerton, Ursano, 2020).
Children have a higher risk of developing psychological problems. Children are at risk when they are too young to be able to express their symptoms verbally or when the ability of parents to support them is diminished.
Activate chain of command structure, including responsibilities regarding
a) communication, media;
b) who is in charge and what is he/she is in charge of;
c) logistics, basic needs, shelter, means of communication (cell phone, etc.);
d) resources (food, medical supply, communication resources, etc.);
e) home security/internal affairs, etc.
Continue the target team activity that will deal with
1) ED, to provide orientation support, basic needs, connect with significant others;
2) work on the social media;
3) coordinate and monitor NGO activity.
Any communication with victims should be made in a simple and accessible language whether orally, in writing, or in another appropriate form. Information should be adapted to different age group, backgrounds, race differences, minorities, geographical locations, including any disability, ect (EU Handbook on victims of terrorism).
A) Guidelines which take into consideration the agents;
B) Mobilisation of task forces;
C) Activate of the possibility to monitor the social media and establish open channel with the Media;
D) Activate resources.
Any communication with victims should be made in a simple and accessible language whether orally, in writing, or in another appropriate form. Information should be adapted to different age group, backgrounds, race differences, minorities, geographical locations, including any disability, ect (EU Handbook on victims of terrorism).