
Laboratory findings – Single approx 25-min behavioural intervention (reminder + filler + mental rotation instructions for Tetris game play) 24 hours after trauma: tested after experimental trauma but not real-world trauma. Main outcome is reduction of intrusive memories over 1 week. Neither game play alone not trauma reminder cue alone was sufficinet: full intervention package is needed.


Laboratory findings – Single approx 25-min behavioural intervention (reminder + filler + mental rotation instructions for Tetris game play) 24 hours after trauma: tested after experimental trauma but not real-world trauma. Main outcome is reduction of intrusive memories over 1 week. Neither game play alone not trauma reminder cue alone was sufficinet: full intervention package is needed.


Pre-deployment risk factors Blood-based biomarkers including metabolites, epigenomic, immune, inflammatory, and liver function markers complemented the most important predictors (Schultebrauks, 2020).


Pre-MVC nightmares and sleep stress reactivity predicted 8-week PTSD (mediated through 2-week ASD) (Neylan 2020).